

CB Business Systems is a Pakistani accounting software development firm, established in 2008 with the objective of providing innovative and reliable accounting software solutions. We have developed custom accounting, distribution, and manufacturing software for corporations. Our  package software is used in over 5 countries and the source code is available royalty-free for programmers.

The address and phone information is:

Chota Byte Business Systems
P-125/329, St. # 3
New Model Town, Gojra
T.T.Singh 36120

Phone Phone: 321-883-8887
Phone Fax: 046-351-7318
Skype Skype: cb.software

The following is a list of the email addresses at Chota Byte Business Systems:

E-Mail Developer Relations developers@chotabyte.com
E-Mail Technical Support support@chotabyte.com
E-Mail Sales and Ordering sales@echotabyte.com
E-Mail General Information info@chotabyte.com